It’s well known that exercising can help lift up your mood, but can it make your spirits soar? Aerial Yoga at Future Fitness has students literally flying high.

The well known singer, Pink, who did an acrobatic performance in an aerial yoga hammock at the Grammy’s, has everyone trying the new craze.

Aerial Yoga combines Yoga, dance, Pilates and aerobic movements. By spreading out your weight equally on the hammock, you work to give your back a much needed break. On an average day our spines can shrink between a quarter and three quarters of an inch. Aerial Yoga helps your spine decompress, helping you relieve pain while feeling your spirits soar.

The inversion and hanging technique is a known way to stimulate glands in your body which is responsible for mood improvement.

Not only can you build strength, agility and flexibility, your mood can be lifted, as well.

After an Aerial Yoga class it is common to hear people say things like “my hip feels better than it’s ever felt in years,” or “I feel like a got a great workout, stretch and relaxing vacation in one class.” Students say flying in the Aerial Yoga Hammocks is like freedom from their daily routine and work. Trusting the hammock and hanging so there is this wonderful feeling of letting go.

Even men who have done just about every sport and exercise imaginable say Aerial Yoga classes far exceeded their expectation.

Another bonus to the workout? Aerial Yoga Classes may make you taller by stretching your spine and helping align your body from head to toe. There are classes for every age and skill level.

So what are you waiting. Sign up for a free Aerial Yoga class today!